CSIRT Maturity Level Assessment

Incident response and management require continual growth. CSIRT maturity level describes how well a team governs, documents, performs and measures their function. NOOSC helps you to define the readiness to implement a CSIRT or to increase the maturity level of your organization’s cyber security incident response capability to improve processes for a more structured method of working.

The Challenges

  • Lack the expertise and experience to conduct an objective and detailed assessment of their capabilities.

  • The next generation of response requires a deeper understanding of the data involved in each attack, instead of a set list of tasks that may be outdated by the time the next attack hits.

  • New advanced threats are emerging. Attackers are using a full spectrum of intrusion technologies and techniques, often exploiting unreported vulnerabilities in operating systems and applications.

The Benefits

  • Identifies gaps in your CSIRT across people, processes and technology.

  • Identify your current view of your CSIRT posture, how mature it is today and provides guidance on what level of maturity you should strive for.

  • Identify upgrade opportunities across a cross-section of your organization's pillars of people, processes and technology, where you can improve your CSIRT posture and how you should prioritize them.

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